Why PandA is so important to our industry!

Don’t get canceled, get connected!
Work with other like minded Christians who want to produce amazing content while being a Light in the Dark.



We understand the industry from an insider level. Our platform was created for creators by creators.

If you are on this page, God has given you an unique GIFTS and we want to help you share them with the world, in a FAITH FRIENDLY environment that not only helps you monetize but puts you in control of your future! YOU WORK HARD AND SHOULD GET PAID WHAT YOU ARE WORTH!

  • Our technology helps you monetize your content and encourages FAITH FORWARD, LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS content!
  • Our creators share in over 80% of the profit!
  • Our ecosystem encourages creators to support one another and help the entire eco-system grow together!

Monetization Opportunities

We understand that 33 industries represent 80% of the $13 BILLION marketing dollars, and we will select a handful of sponsors who share in our values and feature them alongside our creators to provide REAL MONETIZATION value to our creators, and opportunity to our members to support increasing the family of faith. 10% of the profits are shared with non-profits, providing a true Win-Win-Win while spreading light in the dark worldwide!

Print and Advertising Engine and monetization platform

Request Creator Dashboard

Merch & Product Sales

All merchandise purchased directly by fans in the ecosystem will be eligible for monetization even if it is someone else’s merchandise!

Sponsorship Profit

You will be eligible for share of the sponsorship profit!

Leadership & Sharing

You will be encouraged to invite like-minded creators into the platform, building a team of MAVENS that will allow for monetization opportunities for you and those you invite to the platform from your personal invite link.